Easy Hours Dashboard

A tool for project managers to estimate and allocate employee working hours.

Tools: Adobe XD

Type: Client Project

Skills: User Interviews, Wireframing, Prototyping, and User Testing



A project management team sought a more efficient process to input employee hours within their project management platform. Utilizing the platform’s API, I created an Easy Hours Dashboard within the existing system to streamline this task for project managers. I focused on minimizing the number of steps project managers have to take to modify hours and giving them a high level view of project allocations. As the sole practitioner on this project, I lead the discovery, user research, and design phases of the project. 


The Process


  • Audit the current solution to understand what is working and what is not.

  • Gather inspiration from reference solutions and other dashboard products.


  • Establish the problem based on the current gaps, needs and areas of opportunity.

  • Form a challenge statement to address the problem.

  • Develop key features & functionalities that deliver on the challenge statement and work within the tech constraints.


  • Make initial wireframes and build prototypes to highlight key interactions and flows.

  • Conduct user testing and collect feedback.

  • Modify and finalize wireframes to offer a clear and seamless experience for the user.



Current Experience Audit

A review of the current process for planning and allocating employee working hours.

Key findings:

  • Hours get allocated through a project management platform

  • The platform has an API that can read and write data

  • Project managers can assign tasks to one or more people or teams but it is not intuitive and some project managers do not know how to access this feature

  • Planned hours can only be viewed and modified on the task level and you cannot compare on the role or project level

  • Each step or modification takes too many clicks

  • When a task does not have an employee name assigned, it is labelled as “unassigned”



The Problem



  • The current experience does not allow users to look at a high level view of the allocations across all tasks and roles in a project

  • Takes too many clicks and is not intuitive to add allocated hours


  • Utilize the existing platform API

  • Plan and allocate hours by role, task and project

  • Limit the number of clicks needed to complete a task

  • View, share and export allocations at any point


  • Optimize hour allocation for project managers

  • Improve the hierarchy of content

  • Consider features that allow project managers to filter information by role, individual, and task


Challenge Statement

A tool to review, modify and save employee estimated and allocated hours by role, individual and task which reads and writes to an existing project management platform.



Plan and estimate hours by role

Review, modify, save and download allocated hours


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